Understanding the Cities Tool main outcomes

What we wanted to know

  • Which are the main factors influencing the UFT environment (i.e. InFs – Influencing Factors)?
  • Are these InFs static or its significance can evolve in time?
  • Which are the main operational parameters (i.e. CCs - City Characteristics) to be used for describing the state of a UFT environment?
  • Which is the current & expected future state of the Novelog cities’ UFT environment?

What we did to get some answers

  • An initial list of UFT Influencing Factors & City Characteristics was developed (based on desktop research) and was subsequently validated through a stakeholder workshop (Bologna, Spring 2016)
  • The validated list was used as a starting point for an e-Delphi (UCT facilitated) consensus proces
  • City stakeholders were engaged through this consensus process in a number of European cities
  • The main results of this (ongoing) initiative are presented in the following slides

Who provided their views?


Total number of respondents


Total number of cities

Which are the main factors influencing the UFT environment?

Are these InFs static or its significance can evolve in time?

Any interesting highlights?

Influencing Factors Significance - Delphi anatomy


Respondents Involved


Cities Involved

Time horizons:


Likert scale used:

  1. Not Important At All
  2. Of Little Importance
  3. Of Average Importance
  4. Very Important
  5. Absolutely Essential

Influencing Factors

  1. Economy & demographics
    • GDP per city inhabitant
    • Fuel cost
    • Urban population share (% of total regional population)
    • City's population share of over 65 years old
    • Household size
    • Retail establishment size
    • Taxation cost
    • Tourism (visitors)
    • Fleet maintenance
  2. Ecology & social responsibility
    • Demand for environmentally-friendly products
    • Demand for ethical sourcing
    • Demand for local sourcing
    • Demand for reduced waste
  3. Logistics solutions
    • Green delivery solutions
    • Collaborative delivery solutions
    • New business models
  4. New technologies
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Big data & advanced analytics
    • Driverless delivery vehicles
  5. Consumer requirements
    • Same day (or next hour) delivery
    • Knowledge of what happens to the e-data they provide
    • Information about products & their social & environmental impact

Which are the main factors influencing the UFT environment according to different stakeholders?

  • Supply chain stakeholders & logistics experts consider Consumer Requirements as the most influencing factor category, while public authorities consider 'Logistics Solutions' and 'Consumer Requirements' as the most influential ones.
  • New technologies have not been considered as influential as one would expect (consensus results vary from average to little importance).
  • No very high ratings have been given, possibly reflecting the opinion that a multitude of factors interact at the same time and no separate one is considered as the absolutely critical.

Are the InFs static or its significance can evolve in time?

(2 most significant InF categories per stakeholder group & time horizon)

The most significant InF categories remain more or less the same across time, although their ranking may alternate.
InFs are expected to exert additional influence to the future UFT environment.
(*) numbers in brackets indicate the average significance score given by respondents

Influencing Factors Significance - Delphi anatomy

Supply chain stakeholders vs Public Authorities

Which are the most influencing factors today & in the future?

Assessment Levels:

  1. Not Important At All
  2. Of Little Importance
  3. Of Average Importance
  4. Very Important
  5. Absolutely Essential


  • ED --> Economy & Demographics
  • ESR --> Ecology & Social Responsibility
  • LS --> Logistics Solutions
  • NT --> New Technologies
  • CR --> Consumer Requirements

Supply chain stakeholders vs Experts

Which are the most influencing factors today & in the future?

Assessment Levels:

  1. Not Important At All
  2. Of Little Importance
  3. Of Average Importance
  4. Very Important
  5. Absolutely Essential


  • ED --> Economy & Demographics
  • ESR --> Ecology & Social Responsibility
  • LS --> Logistics Solutions
  • NT --> New Technologies
  • CR --> Consumer Requirements

How did the different stakeholder types assess the Ecology & Social Responsibility InFs?

Time: present

There is a tendency for supply chain stakeholders and public authorities to place more importance on ecology & social responsibility factors than other stakeholder groups. Experts seem the least confident on the actual influence of those factors on UFT

Assessment Levels:
  1. Not Important At All
  2. Of Little Importance
  3. Of Average Importance
  4. Very Important
  5. Absolutely Essential

How are the individual Consumer Requirements factors expected to influence the UFT environment?

Same day, or even next hour, delivery is expected to be the main influencing factor on UFT in terms of consumer requirements.

Which are the main operational parameters to be used for describing the state of a UFT environment?

Which is the current & expected future state of the Novelog cities’ UFT environment?

Cities Characteristics significance & UFT assessment - Delphi anatomy


Respondents Involved


Cities Involved

Time horizons:


Likert scale used:

  1. Not Important At All
  2. Of Little Importance
  3. Of Average Importance
  4. Very Important
  5. Absolutely Essential

City Characteristics (CCs)

  1. Vehicle size/type
  2. Number of deliveries/ collections
  3. Quantity of goods delivered/collected
  4. Time of day of delivery/pick up
  5. Time to carry out deliveries/collections
  6. Loading/unloading activities
  7. Journey length
  8. Journey speed
  9. Empty running
  10. Environment-friendly distribution
  11. Loading unloading on street space management
  12. Loading activities: docking / rendez-vous with the truck supplier / load of the boat / load factor
  13. Delivering activities: round trip delay

Likert scale used for UFT assessment:

For the present, 1-5 scale, customised to fit the specificities of each CC (upper & lower levels defined based on previous survey results). For the future:

  • -2. Will decrease significantly (>15%)
  • -1. Will decrease moderately (5-15%)
  • 0. Will remain broadly unchanged (±5%)
  • 1. Will increase moderately (5-15%)
  • 2. Will increase significantly (>15%)

Which city characteristics have been considered as the most significant ones?

  • Number of deliveries and the share of deliveries/pick ups that take place in morning hours have been considered as the most significant city characteristics.
  • No CC has been evaluated as absolutely essential for describing UFT

Assessment Levels:
  1. Not Important At All
  2. Of Little Importance
  3. Of Average Importance
  4. Very Important
  5. Absolutely Essential

Which each stakeholder group considers as the main parameters for describing the state of a UFT environment?

In other words, for how many and for which parameters should data be collected?

2-3 parameters are considered in most cases as the most important for describing the state of the UFT environment
Supply chain stakeholders focus mainly on operational issues while public authorities on issues having a social impact

(*) numbers in brackets indicate the average significance score given by respondents

UFT environment states

What is the current state of the UFT environment?

How will the future UFT look like? (horizon: 2030)

Which is a city’s UFT identity?

Turin, Italy

Main factors influencing the city’s UFT (in order of significance)

The city’s main UFT characteristics

Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement No 636626

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